Cankarjev dom Small Gallery


Although the 303-square-metre Small Gallery of the Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre is located in one of the centre's side corridors, the gallery presents an important space of reference for photographic artists. The exhibition programme primarily encompasses the work of Slovenian photographers, from the most eminent to the youngest, including names such as Aleš Bravničar, Marina Peran Lekić, Virginia Vrecl, Ana Kučan, Gregor Radonjič and Jošt Franko.


Just as in the Cankarjev dom Gallery (CD Gallery), the exhibitions in the Small Gallery also often correspond to multimedia events and festivals of the main Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre programme.

Although focused on Slovenian authors, the Small Gallery also occasionally presents the work of foreign photographers and artists. For example, the 2020 exhibition of jazz posters for Jazz Fest Sarajevo by Bosnian designer Ajna Zlatar accompanied the 61st Ljubljana Jazz Festival.

In recent years the Small Gallery has cooperated with Photon Gallery and its project Photonic Moments – Month of Photography presenting the latest trends in Slovenian photography. The gallery also programme also includes the Independent Biennial in 2020.

For two decades, up to 2013, the Foyer in Cankarjev dom hosted the popular Emzin Magazine Photography of the Year Competition annual exhibition.

See also

External links

Mala galerija CD +
46.05 +
Mala galerija CD +
14.499 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Prešernova 10 +
Although the 303-square-metre Small GalleryAlthough the 303-square-metre Small Gallery of the Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre is located in one of the centre's side corridors, the gallery presents an important space of reference for photographic artists.ace of reference for photographic artists. +
Although the 303-square-metre Small Gallery of the Cankarjev dom, Cultural and Congress Centre is located in one of the centre's side corridors, the gallery presents an important space of reference for photographic artists. +
+386 / 1 241 7100 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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